Wednesday, April 8, 2020

[ SoftParade terminal ]

[ "you'll be dead in hell before i'm born..." ]

[ &ma ]

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

[ C5 hound ]

Working [ facebook RENT ] with local public,
point of [ RedButton ] with "infrastructure" [ pencil IndexCard ],
function of [[ ma-annual ]] nesting officially with "specific" [ paper USE ].
It will be a photo but the [ camera ] itself is at a point of process with the initialization, such unavailable for [ camera USE ].

Friday, February 14, 2020


2020February13 [ [ 1.mp3 ] [ 2.mp3 ] [ 3.mp3 ] 4.mp3 ]
[ Sun582.mp3 ]


? [ bat 'BAT' "bat" '''bat''' 🦇 [ ? &bat ]  ]

"analysis" with comment function pending actual query feedback "deep understanding".